

Down the years, thousands of people are experiencing poor vision. And, the trend is significantly on rise. This is partly due to the nature of work performed these days. We strain our eyes too much and this results in dry, tried and blurry eyes. There are many vision related disorders. A very common vision disorder found in early childhood is amblyopia. Let’s discuss about this vision problem in detail.



  • What is amblyopia?
  • What are the symptoms of amblyopia?
  • Causes of amblyopia
  • Diagnosis of amblyopia
  • Ways of treating amblyopia
  • Conclusions

What is amblyopia?

Amblyopia, more commonly known as lazy eye is an early childhood state where eyesight in one eye does not develop as it should. This problem mainly happens in one eye but can also affect both the eyes. It is a problem that results due to a development problem in brain.

What are the symptoms of amblyopia?

A child who is suffering from amblyopia is not able to focus properly with one eye. The eye with poor vision will not receive clear images, and further, the brain would not receive clear information. Some of the top symptoms include blurred vision, double vision, squint, poor perception and more.

Causes of amblyopia:

The main cause of lazy eye or amblyopia is an imbalance in the muscle that positions the eye. The imbalance in muscle prevents the eyes ability to track objects together with each other. In easy words, the two eyes cannot co-ordinate properly or do not move in harmony to track the objects.

Diagnosis of amblyopia:

The problem of lazy eye should be detected early before the child is 6 years old. Many times, the diagnosis can be made after the onset of problems. A consultation with an eye doctor becomes important if a child complains about any defect in his vision.

Ways of treating amblyopia:

amblyopia therapy

There are many ways of treating amblyopia. The eye doctor or the optometrist who is consulted for treating this vision problem would suggest what would be the best treatment for any particular case. Most of the time, the doctor prescribe glasses, drugs, surgery and vision exercises to treat this problem in children. A very popular amblyopia therapy that is gaining momentum these days is NeuroVision training. Thousands of children have experienced improved vision by opting for this therapy.


NeuroVision training is considered the best therapy for treating lazy eye. If you want to know more about this vision training for treating lazy eye or any other vision related problems, visit en.neurovision.co.il

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